Paul Taylor Consulting Business and Individual Solutions

Inform-Access Implement

Business and Individual Solutions

Our experienced connections and contacts have products and services providing answers to some of the most challenging situations. We have multi-platform solutions, that have time proven results at affordable investments. We specialize in helping owners and human relations personnel with benefit plans. Other services are also available through an extensive reliable referral network. In this information age, it is not only about what you know, but who you know to provide services.

Our business experience spans the complete range and scope of business including not for profits.

We are Business Consulting Partners for single projects or long-term consultation.

Let us create with your team or bring an experienced team to you.

We have years of business experience and resources that add extra quality to meeting your project needs.

What we can do for you


Business and Personal Consulting

Identity Theft Education

Strategic Planning

Effective Networking

We have A three step process

  1. Inform: implies the imparting of knowledge especially of facts or occurrences.
  2. Access: to gain access to.
  3. Implement: give practical effect to and ensure actual fulfillment by defined measures

(We used the definitions from the Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, to expand and define our process)